Watch: Earth spins through a full year in this time-lapse video.Find out what the time difference is between UTC and your time zone, using this chart from the National Hurricane Center.
Army, which divides up the Earth into time zones named after letters of the alphabet, refers to UTC as Zulu time, since it falls in the Z time zone, and Zulu is the code word for that letter in the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet.

The acronym came about as a compromise between English and French speakers: Coordinated Universal Time would normally be abbreviated as CUT, and the French name, Temps Universel Coordonné, would be TUC. You might be wondering why UTC is the abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time. UTC incorporates measurements of the Earth's rotation as well as averaged readings from around 400 atomic clocks around the world, according to the website. In 1967, a committee at the United Nations officially adopted UTC as a standard that's more accurate than GMT for setting clocks. Earthquakes, melting ice sheets and natural oscillations in our planet's motion can cause changes of a few fractions of a second in the amount of time it takes the Earth to spin on its axis, according to NASA. The time standard against which clocks were set then became known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).īut by the middle of the 20th century, the new technology of the atomic clock, which can measure time with incredible accuracy, was showing that the Earth's rotation actually varied slightly from day to day. At the conference, 41 delegates from 25 countries chose to set the prime meridian - the zero point for longitude lines - as passing through Greenwich, England, according to. But there was no universally agreed-upon equivalent for lines of longitude, which run north to south. Lines of latitude, which run east to west around our planet, had always been measured from the equator.

For example, you can tell what time it is in the United States by subtracting a certain. The UTC time plays a vital role because other time zones depend on it. It is maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), which is also known as the 'Z time' or 'Zulu Time. And the timezone or offset symbol (here x) is crucial because otherwise the printed datetime will not be automatically recognized as being in UTC timezone.In 1884, members met at the International Meridian Conference in Washington, D.C., to discuss a way to synchronize clocks around the globe. The Universal Time Coordinated is a coordinated time scale. If you leave out the symbol a (AM/PM-marker) then you should not choose the half-day-hour-symbol h but H (24-hour-format). Note that the answer of uses a wrong pattern. + utc.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/uuuu h:mm:ss a xxx"))) No need for a confusing conversion to Date.Ībout specialized formatters, you will only need one if you intend to deviate from ISO-8601-format - maybe using localized month names or extra printing of weekdays etc. You see, the behaviour of toString() of the new Java-8 classes Instant and ZonedDateTime is much clearer and is always in ISO-format. have explicitly set the UTC Offset when constructing the ZonedDateTime) Unacceptable link texts: 'Click here' Your web page must not refresh. Acceptable link texts: 'Time in UTC', 'UTC', 'Time now'. You can rephrase or translate the link text, but it must contain Time.is, time, the name of the location (UTC), or the name of the time zone (UTC). To start using this UTC time zone converter, please select a time zone to convert UTC time zone, and get the current local time. output: DATETIME = T15:01:57.611Z (the same because you A link back to Time.is must be clearly visible on your web page. It can show the most accurate time now at any selected point on earth. output: DATETIME = T15:01:18.483Z (Instant is always printed with UTC offset) And then you implicitly use its method toString() which should be well known for the observed behaviour to print the instant always in your system timezone.īut printing in UTC timezone is extremely simple, not even a formatter is needed if you can cope with ISO-8601-notation: ZonedDateTime utc = ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC) You do too much when trying to convert to old.